The Habitat mission lends itself to a number of different programs. At their core, each of these programs share these characteristics: improving housing and community conditions, banding together diverse teams to address the issues, and fundraising and leadership to ensure completion of the program goals. If you have interest in joining in on these efforts, please click on the links below to learn more.
Building Homes
Building safe, decent housing for low income, working families is at the core of the Habitat for Humanity mission. At its inception in 1976, Habitat for Humanity International developed the concept of “partnership housing.” The concept centered on those in need of adequate shelter working side by side with volunteers to build simple, decent houses. This concept is summarized by the phrase “Habitat provides a hand-up, not a hand-out”. Learn more about building homes.
Critical Home Repairs
The Critical Home Repair (CHR) program offers home repairs and improvements necessary for restoring and maintaining safe living conditions and home values. This program is applicable for seniors, those with a disability, or family circumstances who struggle to maintain the integrity of their homes. Learn more about CHR.
Hope in the Hills of Warren
Hope in the Hills of Warren, a community extension of Warren County Habitat for Humanity, seeks to improve the living conditions of the elderly, low-income and disabled persons in our community. The program benefits senior, handicapped, and low-income families by providing help with cleanup, weatherization, painting, and small restoration projects. Learn more about Hope in the Hills of Warren.
Neighborhood Revitalization
Building a house for a family is noble work. Revitalizing a neighborhood is transformational work. A Habitat program called “Neighborhood Revitalization” supports the efforts of Habitat groups to transform entire communities, house by house, block by block, neighborhood by neighborhood. Learn more about Neighborhood Revitalization.
Habitat in Honduras
In recognition to the global nature of Habitat’s mission, each U.S. Habitat affiliate is expected to contribute at least 10 percent of its undesignated cash contributions to Habitat for Humanity’s international work. Warren County Habitat for Humanity has designated the Central American country of Honduras to be the recipient of its international contributions. To date, enough funds have been designated for use in Honduras to provide safe and simple housing to twenty five Honduran families. Learn more about Habitat in Honduras.